Monday, May 16, 2011


This Is the first time I had ever been snorkling. It was so much fun. Brett is a fantastic swimmer and I am horrible. But it was fine with fins. I did get tired really easy. Probably because I was putting way to much effort into it. And I didn't like to get close to the fish. they were fun to see. But from a distance. And once I saw the sting ray I screamed and swam away. I was afraid it would come directly at me and sting me..... I'm not even joking. Or that the turtle would just start biting me. And all the teeny tiny fish. I hated swimming through them. I was worried they'd get stuck in my hair. And my last whiney complaint I keep drinking to much salt water. I think my tongue was swollen from dehydration. But other then that I really enjoyed it...... Brett and Abe loved it. They would do it all day if they could. Nicole was a good sport and would come sit on the beach with me. And work on our tans. Even though I'm sure she would've preferred to keep snorkling instead of being with her whiney sis in law...


  1. bahaha. I was scared to snorkel the first time I did it too!
    I didn't like the tiny little fish the most...they were annoying...But it still looks so pretty!

  2. Cool pictures. Looks like fun. I could use a vacation right now.

  3. man that looks so fun!!! glad you guys got a kickin trip in! love you both tons!
